// As part of the evolution of its value proposition, the Village by CA Atlantique Vendée wishes to enrich its offer by relying on an expertise present in the Crédit Agricole Group with the IFCAM – the Group’s University. Intended for the various stakeholders in its ecosystem, these training courses inspired by startup best practices will be offered as of March 2021 and will help teams to learn about subjects related to management, communication and new working methods.
Training inspired by startup best practices
It is in the unprecedented context of 2020 that Le Village by CA Atlantique-Vendée has worked to enrich its offerings with the aim of accelerating the innovation and transformation process of the partner companies in its ecosystem. Convinced that the transformation of organizations succeeds when it relies on the men and women who make them up as the primary vector of value creation, Le Village by CA Atlantique Vendée wanted to develop a training offer inspired by the best practices of startups.
This is a first for Le Village by CA Atlantique Vendée, as it has joined forces with IFCAM. The core of this offer lies in the pooling of the skills of the two entities, particularly those of the Group embodied by IFCAM through its expertise in educational engineering. The Village by CA Atlantique Vendée team has therefore developed an initial catalog of eight training courses in conjunction with the IFCAM Group’s University.

The contents were built around themes related to the activities of start-ups such as agile leadership, the art of the pitch, the development of one’s personal impact through assertiveness… All anchored in reality with a maximum of practical situations.
For example, the day of training devoted to The Art of the Pitch is focused on increasing participants’ skills in real-life situations. Thus, the first registrants are none other than project managers, sales managers or even managers who have, in their daily life, frequent situations where their ability to be convincing and to make people want to buy in a few minutes is challenged
In this action-oriented day, the participants unfold their pitch in front of the camera with a debriefing aimed at progress at the end of the day.
Participants come from a variety of backgrounds and come together to work on a common problem. The spirit of openness of the Village is respected with these inter-company training sessions.
Quality is a point of honor for Le Village by CA Atlantique Vendée. This is why it has decided to work with IFCAM to ensure that its training programs comply with the standards and are tested and approved. Quality certifications such as OPQF (Office Professionnel de Qualification des organismes de Formation) attest to the professionalism of a training organization and guarantee the quality of the services delivered. Data Dock and recently Qualiopi.

Usefulness for the territory
These training sessions are given at the heart of the Village by CA in order to experience this permanent ebullition and discover a dynamic ecosystem. In other words, a third place that is conducive to taking a step aside to begin a transformation, first on an individual scale, and then for a wider dissemination.
Currently, the training courses are aimed at its ETI partners, startup teams and, more broadly, companies in the region that wish to acculturate their teams on subjects related to innovation. Employees of the regional bank as well as the teams of the group’s subsidiaries present on the Campus by CA can also benefit from it.
Training between peers from different backgrounds aims to create a dynamic of openness, exchange in a friendly atmosphere and work in collaborative mode.